Active ONE Plan
Our Partial Meal Replacement Plan is our most flexible option. You create your own plan by deciding how many conventional meals you want to replace each day with OPTIFAST meal replacements. The Active 1 Level includes replacing 1 meal a day with OPTIFAST and is ideal if you are seeking greater variety in your meal choice.
Shop NowApprox. 1200 Calories Daily | Gradual Weight Loss

On this Level, you replace 1 meal with an OPTIFAST VLCD product and include 2 healthy meals, each meal approximately 350 calories. It is ideal if your BMI is 25-30 kg/m2 and would like to incorporate some 'normal' meals into your day.
- Lets you replace one more OPTIFAST meal.
- Eat only one OPTIFAST meal per day and choose among our healthy recipes for the other two meals.
How does it work?
The Active 1 Level of the OPTIFAST VLCD Program continues to work by restricting calories, helping to achieve a more gradual weight loss. The total calorie intake is restricted to approximately 1200 calories per day. During the Active 1 Level you will be replacing 1 meal with an OPTIFAST VLCD product.
You will also need to have:
- ● 2 low-calorie meals (approximately 350 calories each)
- ● 2 or more cups of low starch vegetables
- ● 2 litres of water or calorie-free fluids (minimum)
- ● 2 serves of fruit (approximately 70 calories)
- ● 1 serve of dairy (approximately 100 calories)
The length of time that you are on this level will depend on your lifestyle needs and weight loss goals
You also need to consume the below everyday to ensure a nutritionally balanced diet.

2 Litre Water

1 Diary Product

2 Fruits

2 Cups low Starch Vegetables

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I start on the Active 1 Level?
Yes, some people may choose to start on the Active 1 Level of the OPTIFAST VLCD Program or are advised to do so by a healthcare professional. The Active 1 Level is still suitable for people who require significant weight loss. This level restricts calorie intake but not as much as the Intensive Level.
Does this level use ketosis?
No, the Active 1 Level works through calorie restriction, not ketosis. The Intensive Level is the only OPTIFAST Program Level that utilizes ketosis.
What is an example of a 350 calorie meal?
Your calorie-controlled or low-calorie meal should be around 350 calories. Aim for 1 serve or ¼ of your plate to be protein (100g meat or chicken, 130g white flesh fish, 2 eggs or 150g tofu), 1 serve or ¼ or your plate to be grains (2 slices of bread, 1 cup cooked pasta, ¾ cup of rice or 1 medium potato) and fill half the plate with low starch vegetables or salad. You can also include 1 tbsp of a sauce or dressing. This plate concept will help to keep your meal under 350 calories.
I am concerned about gaining weight when moving onto the Active 1 Level of the OPTIFAST VLCD Program. What should I do?
If you are concerned about transitioning through the other levels of the OPTIFAST VLCD Program, consult an Accredited Practising Dietitian who will be able to help you with this transition as well as educate you regarding appropriate foods to include, portion sizes and how to manage your daily calorie intake, as this can be individual.
Can I have an OPTIFAST VLCD Bar instead of a Shake or do I have to have all Shakes per day?
The OPTIFAST VLCD Program is designed so that you can interchange or have any combination of the OPTIFAST VLCD products that suit your preference and lifestyle. This includes OPTIFAST VLCD Shakes, Soups, Bars and Desserts. If you choose to have more than 1 bar a day, ensure that you consume extra water as you will not be getting the fluids that you would with the sachet products.
If I am only replacing 1 or 2 meals per day on the OPTIFAST VLCD Program, which meal should I replace?
It really doesn't matter which meals you decide to replace with an OPTIFAST VLCD product. The program is designed so that you can choose which meals you would prefer to replace based on your likes and lifestyle. The evening meal is generally replaced with a healthy meal in the Active 2 Level, purely for social reasons, however you can tailor the program to suit yourself and substitute the morning meal or lunch instead.